The Lake Superior Stewardship
Advisory Board provides regional leadership for the
sustainability of the hub; creates the project criteria for
mini-grant funding; reviews and approves mini-grant funding
for school-community team projects; and guides the work of
the leadership team.

Brad Baltensperger
Copper Country Association of School Boards
Deirdre Erbisch
Teacher, E. B. Holman School
Jill Fisher
Keweenaw Land Trust
Darrell Hendrickson
Teacher, Washington Middle School
Mary Kaminski
Copper Country Recycling Initiative
Tom Oliver Center
for Science and Environmental Outreach, MTU
Shawn Oppliger,
Director, Western UP Center for Science, Math &
Environmental Education (retired)
Chuck Palosaari
Teacher, Jeffers High School
Bruce Petersen
Retired USDA-NRCS District Conservationist
Rachael Pressley
Assistant Regional Planner, Western U.P. Planning &
Development Region
Cassandra Reed-VanDam
Essential Education Experience Manager, MTU
Linda Rulison
Teacher, Hancock High School (retired)
Lauren Stigers
Michigan State University Extension Sea Grant