Lake Linden-Hubbell Middle-High School ~ Grades 8-12

(Lake Linden-Hubbell Public Schools)

Project Description

2017-2021 Our River, Our Lake, Our Community

(200 students / 4 Teachers)

Traprock River monitoring, shrub planting, and interpretive signage at former Superfund site with a walking trail and disc golf course; creation of a boulder garden at the Lake Linden Village Park to showcase the geoheritage of the local area and inform visitors of the community�s unique history.

Teachers (* Lead teacher)

*Nick Squires, Gr. 6, 8, 10 Science
*Brad Codere, K12 Principal & Superintendent
Heather French, English
Jennifer Saaranen, English, Social Studies
Robert Stenger, Gr. 7, 9, 11 Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics

Community Partners

Copper Country Audubon Club
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
MTU Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences

Project Photos