(90 students/ 14 teachers)
Upon completion of the greenhouse building, the students will create a garden space next to the greenhouse in a former gravel parking lot. Four raised garden beds shared by eight classrooms will be built on the west side of the greenhouse. One accessible raised bed will be shared by two programs that work with students with severe disabilities. Adaptive methods will include greenhouse signage with QR codes linked to step-by-step instructional videos. A book study of Square Foot Gardening will prepare the partner teachers.
*Karyn Juntunen
Katrina Carlson, Supervisor
Jennifer Meyer
Maria Schwarderer
Naomi Oja
Sue Baratono
Lisa Sporbert
Anna Roe
Amber Swetich
Jordan Jarvi
Maren Rouleau
RaNae Voskuhl
Doris Lund
Gierke Blueberry Farm
North Farm at UPREC

Community Transition Program students visit the construction site to thank the CTE students.

Classroom ready for action.

Growing sunflowers - take home lesson

Making apple cider at the Gierke Farm.

Planting the seed at home.

The view from the greenhouse.

Sunflower plants - a lesson in science and math.

Raised beds, built by the Career & Technical Education (CTE) class, are prepped and filled with Mels Mix and planted with pumpkins for a fall harvest.